donderdag 4 december 2008

Zebidjan Diaries

For miles and miles, forests and mountains and dirt trails dotted by villages; exploring all of it from the seat of a motorcycle, singing Christmas carols under the hot sun….back in Togo in the Plateaux region. Several weeks ago we got word that two of our project proposals that we submitted were accepted for financing by partner organizations, which makes me very excited. One is for the deforestation research on land disputes between neighboring villages in forests in the Plateaux region (one of the first projects I was researching/writing when arriving at JVE in July) and the other a solar energy project to transform kerosene lanterns into photovoltaic ones with the same women’s groups that we make solar ovens with. The ideas and plans can now be realized and that means that the real work begins... in the off time I get to shower in a beautiful huge waterfall and have been mastering how to drive motorcycle with lessons. I have decided it is the most fun vehicle and have already found my dream motorcycle in Ghana – (mom, if you're reading this: please don’t panic)

And for your amusement, the famous Too Fan 'taxi moto' song : it's kind of catchy and you gotta love African urban pop culture

Miaga Do Go. (=Until the next time)

1 opmerking:

Bram zei

The beautiful pictures keep on coming... there's nothing wrong with saving the world in an aesthetically pleasing way, of course ;)

Hope you're doing well!